Delta Cure - 3nd International Meeting | Milan, October 11-12, 2024

Scientific Program

On this page you will find the Scientific Program of the Delta...

On this page you will find the Scientific Program of the Delta Cure Meeting 2024 which will be held in Milan from 11 to 12 October 2024.

  Opening Session
11.20-11.30 Welcome by Chairs P. Lampertico and H. Wedemeyer
WHO session Hepatitis Delta: making a difference in low- and middle-income countries
Moderator: F.P. Russo
11.30-11.40 Updated WHO HBV guidelines and recommendations for testing and diagnosis for HDV N. Luhmann
11.40-11.50 Diagnostics for HDV: what we have and what we need for improving diagnosis in low- and-middle income countries I. Chemin
11.50-12.00 Hepatitis Delta epidemiology and experiences with HDV diagnosis and reflex testing in Uzbekistan E. Musabaev
12.00-12.15 HDV diagnosis and treatment in Pakistan and the way forward for LMICs S.S. Hamid
12.15-12.30 Panel discussion
12.30-13.30 Light Lunch and poster viewing
Session 1 Virology and Pathogenesis Moderators: M. Dandri and J. Lucifora
13.30-13.50 Virology: the latest insights S. Urban
13.50-14.10 Pathogenesis: insights from liver biopsies L. Allweiss
14.10-14.30 Are immune responses important in HDV infection? H. Kefalakes
14.30-14.50 New HBV biomarkers: any role in HDV? B. Testoni
14.50-15.00 Oral presentation (selected Abstract)
15.00-15.20 Discussion
15.20-15.50 Coffee Break and poster viewing
Session 2 Diagnosis, Staging, HCC risk and antiviral therapy Moderators: S. Aleman and R. Esteban
15.50-16.10 HDV-RNA assays: performances and clinical challenges M.P. Anolli
16.10-16.30 Fibroscan and other non-invasive markers L. Sandmann
16.30-16.50 PegIFN+NUC: predictors of response M. Brunetto
16.50-17.00 Oral presentation (selected abstract)
17.00-17.20 Discussion
Session 3 Current and new antiviral treatments I Moderators: G. Papatheodoridis and N. Reau
17.20-17.40 Bulevirtide mono and combo in clinical trials H. Wedemeyer
17.40-17.55 Bulevirtide in EU: SAVE-D study update E. Degasperi
17.55-18.10 Bulevirtide in France: multicenter study update H. Fontaine
18.10-18.25 Bulevirtide for decompensated cirrhosis M. Jachs
18.25-18.35 Oral presentation (selected abstract)
18.35-19.00 Discussion
19.00-19.30 State of the Art Lecture and Prize: “My journey with HDV” C. Yurdaydin (presented by H. Wedemeyer)
19.30-20.00 Transfer to the Dinner venue (walking distance)
20.00-22.30 Apero and Dinner
08.30-08.50 Opening remarks Day 2 P. Lampertico and H. Wedemeyer
Session 4 Current and new antiviral treatments II Moderators: T. Berg and M. Buti
08.50-09.10 Bulevirtide in HIV coinfected patients G. D’Offizi
09.10-09.30 Can we stop Bulevirtide? Lessons learned from viral kinetics modelling H. Dahari
09.30-09.50 What have we learned from the Lonafarnib and pegIFN lambda trials? T. Asselah
09.50-10.10 New antivirals for HDV, phase II studies K. Agarwal
10.10-10.30 What can we learn from HBV trials for HDV cure? F. Zoulim
10.30-10.40 Oral presentation (selected abstract)
10.40-11.00 Discussion
11.00-11.30 Coffee Break and poster viewing
Session 5 Round Table Discussion Moderators: P. Lampertico and H. Wedemeyer
11.30 -12.30 Hot topics in HDV management.
Academia, Pharma, Diagnostics, Patient Associations
12.30-12.45 Closing remarks P. Lampertico and H. Wedemeyer
12.45-13.45 Farewell Light Lunch
